Harlequin Macaws
Originate: in the homes of breeders by crossing a Greenwing Macaw with a Blue n Gold Macaw.
Greenwings are considered the second largest breed of macaw and the Blue n Gold are the fourth largest breed.
My pair: The Female is the Greenwing that is large but my Male that's the Blue n Gold is larger than any Greenwing that I own. 
The babies tend to be a pretty large bird. 
Size: 35-40 inches from beak to tip of tail feathers as an adult.
Weight: Around 2 - 3 1/2 pounds.
Lifespan: 50 years, some have reached up to 80 years of age.
Temperament: They are known for having a laid back and affectionate personalities. Harlequins are a good choice for those who would like a large bird with a calm demeanorHighly intelligent, figuring out puzzle toyslearning to speak clearly along with some singingvery comical at times, and don't forget they're also strikingly Beautiful birds.
(Some of the things listed will be up to the new owners to train their new bird. They get a good start with the love and attention they get from me starting at 2 1/2 weeks of age up to the time they go into their new homes.  Having a young bird makes this so much more easier.)
The Harlequins thrives on socialization and does really well with families. 
Yellow an Lime English
D.O.H. July 25, 2024
Was hand raised.
Weaned and ready for a new home.
Extremely Sweet Bird!
Does really well with step up.
This is the perfect age to finish up on training the bird they way you want.

English Budgie also known for being called The Show Budgie and Exhibition Budgie
The fact about this breed has been through generations of selective breeding to create show quality. 
The English tends to be a much larger bird compared to the American/Australian Parakeet with more defined markings.
Looking at an English when the bird is relaxed the head tends to look much larger than the American/Australian Parakeets. 
English tends to be a quieter bird compared to other Parakeets. More laid-back with a sweeter nature.
They're easier to handle with some simple basic commands.

English Budgie compared to the American Parakeet
English   Budgie                                             American Parakeet
Height:               10-12 inches tall                                                  6-8 inches tall                             
Weight:               up to 2.1 ounces                                                  up to 1.4 ounces                         
                         Lifespan:            7-12 years                                                          8-15 years                                                            
 Open 7 days a week. 
By appointments only ~ 
Shipping is also available

Mon - Fri 11:30 am until 5:00 PM
Sat 11:30 am until 5:00 PM
Sun 12:00 pm until 3:00 PM

Closed on all Major Holidays

At appointments I accept Cash or Credit Cards (4.3% processing charge )
need to show photo ID with it.  No personal checks.
Taxes is also added to the total bill

No public restrooms.


                                                        8768 West River Rd.                                                        
                                        Aylett, VA. 23009                                     


        I'm about 45 min's from Richmond, VA. Very easy to find.

      No CALLS after 6:30 PM Eastern time
              If you leave a message and do not hear from me in 24 hours please call back.

  (804)241-4070 my cell
  Text messages welcomed up to 9:00 PM Eastern time.

Payments I accept:

        Cash (No personal Checks.) and Credit cards/ Paypal (4.3% processing charge) with picture ID
(No e-check because I can not ship until the check has cleared.)

  Sales tax of 6%


    Shipping is Available

Aviary's are closed to the public.   My birds are used to seeing me everyday when someone new (strangers) comes in it scares them.  Scaring the birds can cause them to brake eggs or abandon the young.  This is why my aviary's are closed to the public. Not to mention the diseases that can be brought into my breeding areas from too much traffic walking in my buildings. Keeping my birds healthy and safe is my main priority.
Asking for Donations is never a easy thing to do. The birds are my full time job. And with this job I try to be here for everyone even the ones that can no longer care for their birds. I've done a lot of rescues on birds. Some rescues brought tears to my eyes but after my care along with the care of a vet most of these birds make a wonderful recovery. Some birds I have found wonderful new homes for them as others will stay here for the rest of their life. Doing this gets very pricey and with your help I can continue to help others when in need.
Thank you for your Donations and God bless each and every one.
                            Questions and Answers!        If you have a Question just ask.

What does Hand feeding mean?
 Hand feeding is where I take the baby away from Mom and Dad and I take over feeding the babies. I buy baby food for them and they are syringe fed until they are old enough to eat on their own.

Will I sell a bird that needs to be hand fed? 
Yes, as long as you know how to do this. I take no responsibility for the bird if you do it wrong or don't know how to do it. I will be more than happy to show you how easy it is to do.  I want to make sure you feel comfortable about doing this and you know how too. I'm here if you need help. Just give me a call and I will be more than happy to give you some advise. 

What does being weaned mean?
This is when I no longer need to feed the babies with a syringe. They have learned how to eat on their own. 

Why doesn't some of these birds have all of their feathers?
Birds are born with no feathers. Some babies will have fuzz all over them were others will have nothing. As the birds get older the pin feathers will start to come in. 

What does Tame and Not Tame mean?
Tame is a bird that can be handled (held). Mostly hand raised birds are hand tame. They're used to being handled because of being hand fed. This makes it a lot easier for you to have a bird the way you want.
Not Tame means you could get bit. The bird has not been handled or worked with. It's not saying you will never be able to tame the bird it will just take some time and some Band-Aid (just kidding). Not tame birds are cheaper but is that what your really looking for. 

Breeding or Bonding pairs?
This means that the birds are bonded to each other and set up for breeding purposes and should not be separated. Buying a pair like this does not mean you have to breed them. They can just keep each other company. Again these birds are not tame meaning they can't be handled. 
Tell a friend about this page
When you buy a bird from me. I offer nail and wing clippings for  only $20.00 ea bird per visit. (The first nail and wing clipping is free. This is done before you receive your bird.)  This is just a small donation that can go a long way when it comes to the care of my birds. This is done by appointments only.  This offer is not for large birds. 
email me
DNA's are 99.9% accurate.  If a DNA is done I will not guarantee the results.  It's up to the lab to come up with their answer on it. 

No Pets allowed on my property unless kept in your vehicle. You can not let them out to use the restroom on my property at all. Keeping my animals safe is most important. 
Thank you for your understanding. 
I'm a bird lover, my work is never done, my house is never quiet, my wallet is always empty but my heart is always full.
Gift Certificates 
  now available.
No Public Restrooms
Standard American Parakeet
Shorter name for them are Keets. 
Native Region: Australia
Size: 6-7 inches from tip of beak to tip of tail.
Lifespan: up to 15 years
Noise level: low, frequent chattering.
Hand raised parakeets make wonderful pets. They have the ability to learn how to talk.
Sale Pending? ......
Sale Pending means that someone has placed a deposit down on a certain bird.  This will hold the bird until it's weaned. Once the bird is weaned then the customer has within that week to pay the remaining balance and pick up or have the bird shipped. If after that time payment is not made then the customer would loose it's deposit along with the bird going back up for sale.

DNA  Hold?......
You can put a DNA hold on any bird. Prices may vary depending on type of bird. 
Most birds are a $30 charge. Now this is only on birds that the DNA results have not came in yet. So if you only want a female and the results are not in, you would use the DNA hold. Now if the bird for say came back a male and you only wanted a female you have the choice to purchase the bird or to pass on it. If you pass you would loose your $30 fee because I held this bird for just you.

Knowing the Gender:
Knowing the gender of the young parakeets can be hard to tell on some of them. At a young age the cere (nose location) will start to change colors. I will do my best to figure it out for you but I can't guarantee it without a DNA.
Babies are born with fuzz all over them. As the bird gets older pin feathers will start to come in. Knowing the markings is just guesswork until the bird is fully feathered out. 
Thank You for your Support!!
I Always have babies hatching.
 If you don't see one that your looking for please let me know.
This is very important...
If your interested in getting one or more of the birds I have available you need to let me know as soon as possible so that you can place a Non~Refundable Deposit down.
 This is the only way you can truly have a bird on hold for yourself
 If a deposit is not placed then the next customer has the right to purchase the bird. 

If you have a DNA Hold on a bird then your also safe from anyone else purchasing the bird. The Hold is only good until the results come in. Once the results come in you have to let me know if your getting the bird or not. If your getting the bird then you will need to pay the remaining deposit fee to have the bird on hold for yourself until the bird is weaned. 

Please make sure that you have read the description of the bird before you place money down. 
Some birds can be tame, semi tame or not tame at all. 

If you have any questions regarding any of this please let me know.
Appointments  and  Shipping is Available.
Hand Raised English ShowBudgies
What does Step up mean?  This is when you place your hand or finger near your bird and the bird will step up onto it. When a bird learns this you're not going to have to pick up the bird the bird will be willing to come to you.
Pictures of birds could have a slight difference in seeing the bird in person. This doesn't happen with all birds. Some bird will have a hidden gene, like a double factor that the color can only show itself with certain lights or a flash of a camera. A flash of a camera can at times make the bird look a little brighter. If you have a question about the bird you're interested in please let me know.
Hand Raised Standard Parakeets
Welcome to
A New Beginning.
are highly 
Teal English Budgie
D.O.H. Feb. 14, 2024
Weaned and ready for a new home.
Very sweet bird. Easy to handle and train.
Does really well with step up.
Beautiful Teal/Blue markings.
Perfect age to bond with your new bird.
Hand Raised  Ringneck Doves
Ringneck Doves
Are you looking for the Sweetest, easiest bird to handle that comes in a lot of different colors~markings.
When I hand raise them they're the sweetest birds that will step up on your hand, sit on your shoulderhang out with you all day without any complainants. They Don't bite, they don't have a bad day. And it doesn't matter who you are, young or old, they will go to anyone and enjoys being petted.
Let me know if you're interested in one of these amazing birds.
I can then let you know the colors I have available. They do sell pretty fast so put in your request as soon as you can.
Depending on color~mutations the prices vary and start out at $155.  
Google Map @ bottom of this page.
Harlequin Macaw Babies
The 2 pictures here are the brother of the 3 babies listed below. This bird that's pictured in this yellow box is not for sale. He's already found his forever home. I just wanted to show you just how sweet the birds are along with just how easy it is to spoil them. He just wanted nothing but loves.
Will start hand feeding new babies very soon.
Ask for details.
This bird is not for sale
This bird is not for sale
The 3 Babies Below are available for sale.
Harlequin Macaw Baby
D.O.H. July 23, 2024
Being hand raised right now.
Has started eating some on it's own.
Really enjoys trying new foods out.
Loves: Fresh fruits and veggies, dried fruits, assortment of nuts, fruit flavored pellets, and so much more. 
This is the sweetest birdYou know the bird wants loves when the feathers stick up all around the head and neck. lol
Will come running to you when you walk into the room. Knows it's time to get attention. Really enjoys the play pen I've put together for them as they're growing and developing. Different sized perches to help with balance. It's funny to see such a large bird and be afraid of heights. Now this is normal until the balance is mastered on sitting on my arm while in motion. 
I've been working with step up and the bird is doing awesome with it so far. Enjoys playing with toys and with the other birds.
The difference in this bird verses the siblings is this one has red on the top of it's head. The others do not have this red.
With this type of macaw you get a bird full of all different colors. 
When choosing a large macaw you want to get one that's easy to handle and train. This is the type of bird you would fully enjoy.
While being trained, and this goes for all the macaws, I give them a lot of affection, Rubbing my face around theirs and kissing them on their beaks to get them used to being so close to a persons face.

Harlequin Macaw Baby
D.O.H. July 16, 2024
Being hand raised and is really close to being weaned.
Enjoys trying all types of food out.
These are the sweetest birds.
As you can see with this one, the bird enjoys having it's head and neck scratch along with scratching under the wings and chest. The bird will raise it's wings up to the sky when you scratch these areas. The bird will also roll over on it's back so that you can finish scratching it's belly. They enjoy this so much that the bird will fall asleep.
The harlequins are the best.
I truly love this type of macaw because they're so much easier to work with verses others.
Such a love bug.

$5,750. ea
Harlequin Baby
D.O.H. July 20, 2024
Weaned and ready for a new home.
Enjoys eating pellets, a little seeds, assortment of nuts, fresh fruits and veggies.
Amazingly sweet. Loves being handled and petted. Doesn't seem to mind when I give a bunch of kisses all over the face and beak. Can't wait to get out of the cage when the bird hears or sees you. Knows it's playtime. Will step up easily on arms or even in your hand. Enjoys going outside and gets amazed by seeing butterflies, birds or anything else that moves. Loves going on car rides, even on long trips.This bird is well trained and even knows what the word NO means. Acts like a young child at times. LOL! The bird is also old enough to start to learn how to talk. Pays close attention when you talk. I'm going to truly miss this bird. Puts a smile on my face every time, even when trying to climb on top of my head or fixing my hair. LOL!!
Now this birds color is a little different from the others. The neck and under belly colors is more of a orange look verses the more red from it's siblings. Well worth more than what I'm asking.

$5,750 ea.